About Us
Avantis Global Business Service (GBS)
Under the GBS function, we undertake projects that require support for finance and accounting, human resource, procurement, and legal matters.
Apart from the usual business operational functions, we provide Information Technology services such as IT helpdesk/technical support, hosting services, system integration, application development, maintenance management, business application, maintenance as well as management.
Avantis Digital
We offer computer technology services through our Digital arm.
Big Data Analytics and Robotic Process Automation: Provides large-scale data-analytics services for various industries through the use of cloud, artificial intelligence, and other related infrastructure and tools. We also monitor commercial assets, movable or non-movable, to achieve full operational efficiency.
Internet of Things (loT): Utilises various forms of communication to collect data from assets, and to perform analyses in order to determine the customers’ current state of performance, problem detection, as well as providing the next course of action.
Assets are equipped with sensors and other equipment to relay data back to the server via the internet or other means of electronic communication.
Blockchain: Administers product design, engineering, and simulation services to various industries that require the use of high-end workstations, cloud platforms, and sufficient bandwidth. We also deliver cyber security services that include threat alert, threat research, technical report, remote diagnostics, and remedy.